Top Ancient Villages in Huangshan - Best Huizhou Cultural and Historic Heritages

Apart from the world famous Yellow Mountain, there are many distinctive Huizhou style ancient villages scattered at the foot of the mountain in Southern Anhui. Those villages themselves are precious historic and cultural heritages, and a good media of local traditional culture, history and geography. With elaborate location, masterly layout, delicate architecture complexes, the villages proves the past flourishing age of the areas, and great harmony between human and nature. The simple and lovely locals sticking to the conventional farming adds more primitivism for the village. In China, Huizhou ancient villages are the best preserved in greatest number, which provides tourists great opportunity to closely enjoy one of the most featured regional villages together with a Huangshan Hiking Tour.

2024 Huangshan Travel Promotion: 1) 50% discount on entry fees to all scenic areas, Yellow Mountain and old villages and more. 2) Nanping, Pingshan, Daguling, Luchuan, and Tachuan Villages for free all year round; 3) the earlier you book, the better price you can get!

8 Best Famous and Most Beautiful Huizhou Villages in Huangshan

Happened to be the former regions of ancient Huizhou, Huangshan has a vast of well-preserved ancient villages, mostly in She County (歙县) and Yi County (黟县). Many of them are important culture protected units, with clan-based social organization of ancient streets,ancestral temples, memorial archways and residences. Hongcun and Xidi Ancient Villages are the most typical ones that have been listed as World Cultural Heritage Sites. Other representatives in Ming and Qing Dynasties include Bishan, Nanping, Tachuan, Chengkan, Lucun, Guanlu and so on.

Huangshan Top Villages Location Map

Huangshan Top Ancient Villages Location Map

1. Hongcun Ancient Village - World Heritage Site & Chinese Village in Painting

Hongcun Ancient Village

Poetic Scenery in Hongcun Ancient Village

Location: Hongcun Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

Transportation: about 11km northeast of Yi County, 18km north of Xidi and 35km south of Yellow Mountain

Ticket Fee: 104RMB

Opening Hours: 24 hours every day

Features: A UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, Scene of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Best Preserved Huizhou Ancient Village, Ox-shaped Community Layout, Ancient Sewerage system (Water Environmental Space)

Listed as World Cultural Heritage site together with Xidi Ancient Village, Hongcun Ancient Village is recognized as the best Huizhou style ancient village in China, through its great cultural significance, outstanding settlement, long history, well-preserved buildings and gorgeous scenery.

Firstly built in Southern Song Dynasty (1131 AD), Hongcun Ancient Village has nearly 900 years’ history. Now there are over 130 well-kept residences dating back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties (14~20th Century). The surrounding mountains, patchwork of white walls and gray tiles reflected in the rippling South Lake constitutes a beautiful landscape scroll, which attracts numerous photographers, directors and sketchers. Remember to walk the transverse bridge to seize the lotuses blossom in summer, therewith, you can visit South Lake Academy to know the old-style private school system, visit Moon Pond to capture the nice reflection in the half-moon-shaped pool and view fancy legacy of Chengzhi Hall, etc.

  • Useful Links:
    1. Hongcun Village to Yellow Mountain
    2. Hongcun to Xidi Ancient Village
    3. Huangshan North Station to Hongcun

  • Recommended Tours:
  • >> 4 Days Scenic Huangshan Mountain Tour with Hongcun Biking

    >> 4 Days Huangshan Hongcun Vacation with Hot Spring

    2. Xidi Ancient Village - World Heritage Site & Museum of Ancient Residences

    Xidi Ancient Village

    Xidi Ancient Village

    Location: Xidi Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

    Transportation: about 9km east of Yi County; 38km southwest of Yellow Mountain; 50km northwest of Huangshan Tunxi International Airport; 46km northwest of Huangshan North Railway Station; 18km to Qiyun Mountain; 15km to Nanping Village

    Ticket Fee: 104RMB

    Opening Hours: 24 hours every day

    Features: A UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, Treasury of Huizhou Ancient Dwellings of Ming and Qing Dynasty, Huizhou Carvings, Vast Rape Flower Field, Glorious History of Hu Family, Utopia Households

    As one the remarkable examples of Huizhou ancient villages, Xidi Ancient Village was listed as World Cultural Heritage with nearby Hongcun Village. With two rivers flowing through, Xidi is a time-honored pristine village with about 1,000 year’s history. It has over 200 ancient residences of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and important ancestral halls, archway, all decorated with exquisite brick, wooden and stone carvings.

    Start your Xidi tour from Hu Wenguang Memorial Archway, a spectacular stone archway with 5-layored sculptures. Then walk wonder around the maze-like primitive buildings across the 99 narrow lane ways. Dafudi (Embroidery Compound), Yingfu Hall, East Garden, West Garden and Ruiyu Courtyard are major sites to catch a glimpse of the owners’ brilliant history and best representatives of spatial pattern, frugal and elegant architecture style. In spring, the large golden sea of rape flowers adorns the village more lively and picturesque.

  • Recommended Tours:
  • >> 4 Days Huangshan Mountain and Local Village Walking Tour

    3. Bishan Ancient Village - A Rustic Utopia World Hidden in Field

    Bishan Ancient Village

    Cosey Countryside Fields in Bishan Village

    Location: Biyang Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

    Transportation: about 60km of Tunxi, 15km southwest of Hongcun, 13km northwest of Xidi, 50km southwest of (South Gate of) Yellow Mountain

    Ticket Fee: Free

    Opening Hours: 24 hours every day

    Features: A Utopia Hidden in Field, Pleasant Rural Scenery, Leisurable Countryside Life, The Bishan Project -Counter-urbanization and Rural Identity Preservation, Pastoral Dream

    Bishan Village is a quiet and lovely Huizhou ancient village lying in northwest of Yi County. As recorded, Bishan Village has a long history of over 1,500 years. Compared to famous Hongcun and Xidi, Bishan is off thebeaten track, architectures are not well preserved, but more known for its charming rural landscape, original farming, relaxing lifestyle, unique atmosphere of modern and traditional culture.

    The village is also the location where Chinese artists created the Bishan Project to practise rural reconstruction to maintain and revitalize its own rich historical and cultural legacy and local traditions by bring modern art the culture. Staying in two Pig’s Heaven Inns fulfills your dream of experiencing authentic country life, enjoying fantastic rural and trying local flavor. How to meet the core of Bishan? Pick a nice day, ride a bike through the golden rice farmlands, spend some time in the beautiful Bishan Bookstore, visit the Bishan Supply and Marketing Cooperatives to witness the real hermitage and pantisocracy.

  • Recommended Tours:
  • >> 4 Days Huangshan with Pig’s Inn Carefree Countryside Idyll Tour

    4. Nanping Ancient Village - Museum of Chinese Ancient Ancestral Hall

    Nanping Ancient Village

    Ancestral Hall in Nanping Village

    Location: Biyang Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

    Transportation: about bout 4km southwest of Yi County, 14km west of Xidi, 17 km southwest of Hongcun, 60km of Tunxi and 50km of Huangshan Mountain

    Ticket Fee: 43RMB

    Opening Hours: 07:00~17:30

    Features: A Movie Village, A Museum of Ancient Ancestral Hall in China, Massive Ancient Buildings of the Ming & Qing Dynasty, Beautiful Field, Batik DIY

    Nanping Village is a tranquil village near Xidi, which has been built for 1,100 years’ history and experienced super flourishing by three big families. It is the shooting site for famous movies, such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Ju Dou. Prosperous development left Nanping Village large groups of ancestral temples, with 36 wells, 72 old alleys, and more than 300 ancient residences.

    To enter the village, visitors will walk across a vast green or golden field, then pass through giant trees standing at the gate. While tour around inside, the Sanyuan Well, Diaohua Hall, Shensi Hall, Bingling Pavilion, Promotion Alley, Xuyi Hall (Ye Family’s Ancestral Hall) are main sites to know the past living scenes and feudal clan culture and customs. If interested, join in the dyeing workshop to make some special souvenirs.

  • Recommended Tours:
  • >> 4 Days Huangshan Mountain Tour with Ancient Villages Living Experience

    5. Tachuan Ancient Village - Top Autumn Colors in China

    Tachuan Ancient Village

    Stunning Autumn Views of Tachuan Village

    Location: Hongcun Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

    Transportation: about 2.5km to Hongcun and Mukeng Bamboo Forest, 15 km east of Yi County, 60km northwest of Huangshan City and 35km southwest of Huangshan Mountain

    Ticket Fee: 40RMB

    Opening Hours: 07:30~17:00

    Highlights: Colorful Autumn Scenery, Excellent Photography Spot

    Driving from Hongcun Ancient Village to Mukeng Bamboo Forest during autumn, the oil painting style Tachuan Village definitely please your eyes and camera. The wonderful sight of red leaves, green lands and characteristic ancient buildings wins Tachuan Village one of the top autumn colors in China. Such natural beauty is an ideal inspiration for painters and photographers.

    Seen far from the highway, the pagoda vision of multiple layers of architectures, stunning colors, rising smog around and green valley sketch a dim beauty of Tachuan. Further inside, you can truly touch a peaceful rural world surrounded by farm lands, cows, plain locals and scatted buildings. Anytime is suitable to observe the historical residences, but late autumn (late November) is better to grasp the mixed color of Tachuan.

  • Useful Link:
  • >> Huangshan Hongcun to Tachuan Village Biking

    6. Chengkan Ancient Village - Top Mysterious Feng Shui Village

    Chengkan Ancient Village

    Ancient Architecture in Chengkan Village

    Location: Chengkan Town, Huizhou District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

    Transportation: about 35km of Tunxi, 16km of Huangshan North Railway Station, 75km southeast of Hongcun and 50km of Huangshan Mountain

    Ticket Fee: 107RMB

    Opening Hours: 07:30~17:30

    Features: Top Fengshui Village in China, Large Number of Old Architectures and the Talented

    Chengkan, a famous old and mysterious Fengshui Village in Huizou, is notable for its special location and layout of Fengshui, based on the theory of “the Eight Diagrams” and many preserved architectures dating back to the Ming & Qing Dynasties. First built in Three Kingdoms Period, Chengkan Ancient Village has over 1,800 years’ history. The three streets and ninety-nine alleys turns the village a maze, full of different style of pavilions, wells, residences, communities, ancestral temples, bridges and etc.

    Only with a professional guide, you could get the interesting and key part of Chengkan Village and avoid getting lost. Among all sites, Luo Dongshu Memorial Temple (Baolun Pavilion) is the must-visit one. It is a big ancestral hall from Ming Dynastey (16th century), a marked Huizhou ancient compound perfectly explaining design integrity of elegance, beauty and grandness. You can enjoy beautiful Yongxing Lake filled with Lotuses in summer, walk Zhongying Street to see the pristine path, pass through the Kan (Threshold) to leave misfortunes behind, and get more Chinese Fengshui culture and story there.

  • Recommended Tours:
  • >> 4 Days Huangshan Tour to Huizhou Culture Exploration

    7. Lucun Ancient Village - Finest Wooden Carved Dwellings

    Lucun Ancient Village

    Peaceful Life in Lucun Village

    Location: Hongcun Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

    Transportation: about 2km northwest of Hongcun Village, 100km of Huangshan Tunxi Airport, 38 of southwest of Yellow Mountain

    Ticket Fee: 50RMB

    Opening Hours: 07:30~17:30

    Highlights: Splendid Wooden Carving Residences, Picturesque Natural Scenery

    Want to discover serene and less commercial ancient village in Huangshan? Then, Lucun Village is a good choice. The village is silently situated nearby Hongcun Village, but renown for delicate wooden carved residences of Millionaire Lu and his large family, piecework by two craftsmen for 20 years. The massive featured carvings not only present outstanding skill, owners’ elegant taste, but also valuable symbols of Chinese traditional culture.

    Among all the houses of 7 families, Zhicheng Hall is the living quarter of Lu’s first and second wives, which displays the best level and the most complicated artistry. You can closely view refined wooden carvings of various patterns on windows, beams, archways, door shelters, ridge, roof, rail and every corner your sights move to. Pay attention to the stories told by your tour guide, that connects much to the architecture speciality and owners’ statue.

  • Recommended Tours:
  • >> 4 Days Huangshan Mountain and Local Village Walking Tour

    8. Guanlu Ancient Village - Magic Connected Family Houses

    Guanlu Ancient Village

    Wizardly Jointed Houses in Guanlu Village

    Location: Biyang Town, Yi County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province

    Transportation: about 7km west of Yi County, 60km northwest of Huangshan City and 55km southwest of Yellow Mountain, 18km to Hongcun and 15km to Xidi Ancient Village

    Ticket Fee: 35RMB

    Opening Hours: 07:30~17:30

    Features: “Eight Big Houses”- Jointed Ancient Houses, Culture of Huizhou Mechanism and Chinese Confucianism, A Cultural Museum of Chinese Ancient Schools, Four Wonders of Guanlu

    Guanlu Ancient Village is a clan community of Wang Family with a history of over 1,100 years’ history. The quiet village is most known for the ingenious construction of connected houses of eight brothers and authentic rustic scenery. That features distinguish Guanlu Ancient Village from other old villages in surrounding areas.

    At the gate, tourists can see a big crescent-shaped pool. Tour along a little river between the buildings and farmlands, you can visit the siamesed houese through crafty connections via alleys and doors. Named by meaningful books, the eight residences witnessed the great achievement owners obtained, and superb architecture design and layout of Huizhou style. Rice Sculpture, Tile Carving and Wood on Seafloor are other three local skills and features of Guanlu Village.

    Which Villages to Visit - Plan A Village Tour in Huangshan

    Each ancient village mentioned above has irreplaceable cultural and historic significance and charming. However, they are located in different places from the Yellow Mountain, it takes lots of time to visit them all once. Which one should you put in your bucket list with Mt. Huangshan? How to select the most recommended villages? Here is our advice.

    If it is the first time you visit Huangshan, the two UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites, Hongcun and Xidi Ancient Villages are the must-see old villages, for they are the best two examples with larger number of preserved residences and much more remarkable architectures and history. They are close to each other, so you can simply tour them in one single day. 4 Days Best Huangshan Tour with Hongcun & Xidi Ancient Villages >>

    If you already visited Hongcun and Xidi and want to make an in-depth exploration of Huizhou style ancient villages, there are many more beautiful villages off the beaten track nearby. Bishan Village and Nanping Village are highly recommended, because they reserve the original construction and traditional livelihood well, but also idyllic countryside scenery and leisurable serenity away from the chaos. Except the sightseeing, you can also enjoy a biking trip and rural living experience in Bishan, dyeing learning and local flavor cooking in Nanping. Huangshan Local Life Experience >>

    Travel with China Discovery

    If you are interested in Huizhou culture and history, China Discovery offers you the most classic ancient villages exploration tours to Hongcun, Xidi, Nanping.... So you can see excellent models of Huizhou architecture, and enjoy beautiful natural sightseeing at the same time. Considerately, we design you different ways for your trips, including hiking, biking, photography and more. Beyond the above villages, you can travel to surrounding villages nearby Huangshan as well, such as Wuyuan in Jiangxi Province (4 Days Yellow Mountain Wuyuan Scerny Photography Tour >). Or you can contact us to customize a particular journey for Huizhou ancient villages.

  • Useful Links:
    1. Huangshan Travel Guide / Things to Do in Huangshan / Featured Huangshan Activities

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