Photo Gallery of Muslim Quarter

The Muslim Quarter featuring in rich Islamic culture has a large number of tasteful snacks along its several streets. Therefore, here you can both please your taste bud and experience the hospitality of local Islamic residents who are the descendants of people from the ancient Arab, Persia, etc. Diverse food, hospitable people, characteristic buildings in Ming and Qing dynasties, traditional mosques, make this block a must-go for tourists. >>Know more about Muslim Quarter

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Plan a Trip to Wonderful Xian

People usually spend 2 days exploring Xian and add an extra day to Mount Hua. If you have more days, you can travel Xian with other hot tourist destinations in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu… Check the top Xian tour packages, which cover the classic highlights of Xian with must-see attractions. If you have other ideas or questions about a Xian trip, please feel free to contact us, we are specialized in tailor-made tours that fit you best considering your interests, budget, traveling time, etc.

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Jean's family from France visited Mutianyu Great Wall in Beijing in September 2019

6 Days Classic Beijing Xian High-speed Train Tour (Most Valuable)

Beijing / Xian

Our customers visited Terracotta Warriors in Xian

3 Days Classic Xian Tour (Best Highlights Plus Enjoyable Pace)


Our guest Lewis cycling on the Ancient City Wall of Xian in 2017

2 Days Xian City Break (Pick Up from Hotel, Train Station or Airport)


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