How to get to Bifengxia

There are buses from Xinnanmen Bus Station to Bifengxia every 35 minutes which varies from middle level and top level air-conditioned bus. And the price is about 50 RMB. It will cost you about 2 hours and a half from Chengdu to Bifengxia.

Bus from Xinnanmen to Bifengxia

Bus from Xinnanmen to Bifengxia

You can also take bus from Chengdu Shiyang Bus Station to Ya’an, then transfer to Bifengxia. There are more buses to Ya’an there. Upon arriving at Ya’an, you can take a Tax to Bifengxia.

Shiyang Bus Station

Shiyang Bus Station

Tips: you’d better go to Bus station to book tickets early to avoid the crowding in the later morning or afternoon. There are a Dicos in Shiyangchang Bus Station, so you can have some food there before your leaving for Ya’an.

Bus from Shiyang Bus Station to Ya'an

Bus from Shiyang Bus Station to Ya'an

From Ya'an to Bifengxia

From Ya'an to Bifengxia

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