Shenyang to Changbaishan (Changbai Mountain) Trains: Schedule, Ticket & Fares 2024
Below is the updated Shenyang to Changbaishan (Changbai Mountain) train timetable with detailed train number, train times, train ticket classes and prices, stations, etc.
- Train No.
- Departure / Train Staiton
- Duration
- Seat Type / USD Price / Availability
Note: Train information is subject to final confirmation due to the delay of data occasionally.
How to Plan A Changbaishan Tour
Best Time to Visit Changbaishan: April to next February
How to Get to Changbaishan: Fly to Changbaishan directly from Changchun (1h), Tianjin (1h), Beijing (2h), Shanghai (2.5~5h), Xian (3h), or take a high speed train to Dunhua City from Jilin (1.5h), Changchun (2h), Dalian (5~5.5h), Harbin (3h), Beijing (7h), etc.
Where to Stay in Changbaishan: Accommodate in Wanda Changbaishan Resort with superior hotels or Erdao Baihe Town with hot spring hotels
Generally, a classic Changbai Mountain tour needs at least 3 days including arrival and departure days. Many travelers spend 1 day visiting North Slope or West Slope, and half a day traveling Mojie Scenic Area. And some travelers wanting to see Heavenly Lake may spend 2 days visiting both slopes. If you are interested in a winter holiday around Changbaishan, it takes another 2 days to enjoy skiing in Wanda Changbaishan Ski Resort and other winter activities.
☞ 3 Days Changbai Mountain Classic Tour
☞ 5 Days Changbaishan Winter Tour
Want an in-depth discovery? We suggest you spend more days taking a view of different perspectives of Jilin Province. It takes 1 day to visit Wusong Island and other highlights and in Jilin City, 1 day to explore the Puppet Emperor's Palace - the official residence of Puyi and other featured architectures in Changchun, 1 day to discover Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom in Ji'an, and 1 day to watch the amazing spectacle of winter fishing in Chagan Lake if you travel in winter..
☞ 5 Days Club Med Beidahu Ski Tour with Jilin Wusong Island
☞ 6 Days Jilin Winter Tour with Chagan Lake Winter Fishing
☞ 4 Days Koguryo World Heritage Sites Exploration from Changchun
For travelers with more time, travel China's Dongbei (northeastern area) including Liaoning Province, Jilin Province and Heilongjiang Province together is strongly recommended. You can extend your tour to Harbin and China Snow town for the breathtaking world of snow and ice, Shengyang to witness establishment and collapse of China's final imperial dynasty, and Dalian to appreciate the fresh air and nice beaches.
☞ 7 Days Amazing Northeast China Winter Tour (Harbin / China Snow Town / Jingpo Lake / Dunhua / Changbai Mountain / Jilin)
☞ 8 Days Northeast China Tour with Harbin Ice & Snow Festival (Harbin / Jilin / Changchun / Shenyang / Dalian)
Keep Reading About Changbaishan
- Changbaishan Tours
- Changbai Mountain
- Changbaishan Ski Resort
- Changbaishan Weather
- Where to Stay in Changbaishan
- Changbaishan Transportation
- Changbaishan Maps
Keep Reading About Jilin
- Jilin Tours
- Jilin City Travel Guide
- Jilin Weather
- Where to Stay in Jilin
- Jilin Transportation
- Jilin Maps
- Changchun Transportation
- Wusong Island
- Beidahu Ski Resort
- Club Med Beidahu
- Ancient Koguryo Kingdom
- Chagan Lake
More Travel Articles for Winter Travel
- How to Plan a Winter Vacation to China
- Customize Your Own Winter Tours
- 10 Best Places to Visit in Winter in China
- 15 Best Things to Do in China in Winter
- Top 5 Warm Places to Visit in China
- 10 Best Cold Weather Winter Destinations in China
- Top 10 Ski Resorts in China
- Top 7 Winter Festivals and Events in China
- China in December: Weather and Things to Do
- China in January: Weather and Things to Do
- China in February: Weather and Things to Do
- Travel Tips and Weather for Visiting China in Winter
Recommended Changbai Mountain Tours
Top 3 Changbai Mountain tours chosen by most customers to explore Changbai Mountain in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.
5 Days Changbai Mountain Winter Tour with Ski Experience
Changbai Mountain
3 Days Changbai Mountain Classic Tour
Changbai Mountain
5 Days Club Med Beidahu Ski Tour with Jilin Wusong Island
Jilin / Beidahu Ski Resort / Jilin
Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once inquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.
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